
Java版汉字转拼音工具,支持多样化输出、拼音排序、中英混合排序!Chinese convert to pinyin , Sort by pinyin!

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chinese To pinyin


1. 首先: 安装JDK,最好是1.6.0以上;

2. 其次: 直接下载chinesepinyin-V2.0.0.jar并且把'libs'的依赖jar加入到classpath中.

3. 再次:如果想自己自动构建,推荐使用ant. 源代码中已有ant的build.xml文件.

4. 最后:祝你使用愉快,如果发现bug,请联系

Basic Introduction:

1. First: install JDK 1.6.* or above

2. Second: Dependence Jar,please see 'libs' folder and add it to your classpath.

3. Third: If you want to build jar by yourself,please install Ant 1.6.* or above first.

4. Last: Welcome to use and report bug, please download it. chinesepinyin-V2.0.0.jar.


ResourceConfig dHelp = ResourceTool.getInstance();
ResourceTool resourceTool = ResourceTool.getInstance();
Utils utils = Utils.getInstance();

public void loadResource() {	System.out.println(dHelp.loadResource(ResourceType.LOADPINYINMAP));}
/** Output: qíng xù shì tiáo hé liú !  */

System.out.println(resourceTool.findSingtonPinYinByHanZi("祖國",ResourceType.OutPutStyle.YUNMU)); //Output:  ǔ uó 
/** Output: 12345,sha4ng sha1n da3 la3o hu3 ! */
System.out.println(resourceTool.findSingtonPinYinByHanZi("12345,上山打老虎!", ResourceType.OutPutStyle.NUMBER));
Comparator comparator = new PinyinComparator();
String[] arr = { "张三", "a","1@","李四","1111111","abc" ,"王二","張三" ,"麻子", "Android", "10086",
				"@%~*&^#$", "hello world", "A","张大","怡情" };
List list=Arrays.asList(arr);
Collections.sort(list, comparator);Arrays.sort(arr,comparator);

/** Output: 10086 , 1111111 , 1@ , @%~*&^#$ , A , Android , a , abc , hello world ,  李四 , 麻子 , 王二 , 怡情 , 张大 , 张三 , 張三 ,  */
System.out.println(resourceTool.toStringWith(list," , "));System.out.println(resourceTool.toStringWith(arr," , "));
/** Output: kuai */

/** Output: @ */

/** Output: huì */

/** Output:  */
System.out.println(resourceTool.toPinYinWithString(' ',ResourceType.OutPutStyle.WITHTONE,Utils.PinYinStyles.COMPLETE)); 

/** Output: null */
/** Output: hui   kuai */ 
String[] array = resourceTool.toPinYinWithStringArray('会',Utils.PinYinStyles.ONLYCHINEASE);
for(String temp:array){System.out.print(temp + "   ");}

Now I am very happy that release the version 2.0.0; Following is the main function:

1. Get the pinyin of chinese.
2. There are five style about output format.
3. Implement sort by pinyin.
4. More information ,please see "" file.


1. 实现中文分词.
2. 进一步扩展拼音库.
1. How to Segment the chinese!
2. Extends the chinese dictionary.

If you are instrested in it ,please join us!

There are two branchs "master" and "develop". please clone it . The master is the stable branch; But working on the develop branch.

@author dylan.zhang (